Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
It's Tuesday, which means ANOTHER PODCAST PREVIEW! We hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend! Last week, we had Author/Psychologist Dr. Glenn Livingston talk about the psychological part of fasting. In today's podcast preview, Glenn and Chantel answer a user-submitted question about constantly going back to square one through fasting. We hope you enjoy, have a great week, and we'll see you on Thursday!
FULL EPISODE HERE: https://chantelray.podbean.com/e/glennlivingston/
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
Hey guys! Welcome back to another episode of Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way Podcast! Today, Chantel is talking to Dr. Glenn Livingston, Author of "Never Binge Again". Usually, we talk more about the health aspect of IF, but in today's show, we jump into more of the psychological side! Sit back and enjoy!
YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/yJYcYVDX5Bk
A Few Things We Mentioned:
Question 1 - 6:09
Q: I am a massive snacker! I love to snack and once I start eating, I have a really hard time stopping eating. That’s why I do really well if I open my window at night and not during the day, because once I start eating, I just want to keep on eating… but then at night I feel like I over eat because I waited too long to eat and I am hangry! Which do you think is better?
-Jill in Arizona
A: One of the big things I talk about in my book is that Intermittent Fasting alone is not enough to make a true difference. You also have to follow all of the other principles that I learned from Thin Eaters. One of the big ones is to only eat when you are physically hungry. Not bored, not stressed, not mentally hungry, which is what usually leads to a lot of snacking.
So I think the first thing here is to try to study your snacking habits. Are you snacking in the evening because you are watching TV or bored? What are some other activities you can do, like paint your nails, or give someone a phone call? Are you snacking in the evening because you had a long stressful day at work? Try a bubble bath or a Yoga class.
I am not saying that all snacking is off limits, but you will not see the results you want if you are eating when you are not physically hungry.
Question 2 - 10:00
Q: I feel like I am doing fantastic with my weight loss, and this podcast motivates me every day. I have noticed that I am losing a lot of weight in my arms and legs, but my stomach still has a lot of fat in it. I really don’t need to lose any more weight in my arms and legs- my belly has always been my trouble area. Are there any exercises or tricks you recommend to target this?
-Annabelle in NC
A: This is a great question, and I am with you Annabelle, I wish there was a quick fix exercise for belly fat! You are going to see 70% of your results from diet and only 30% from exercise. And these are conservative numbers…some people say that up to 90% of your results come from nutrition, and only 10% exercise. A tight core will help you burn more fat while you exercise, but the bottom line is that your diet is going to be key.
You didn’t mention what your eating window is, but if you’re stalling out, I always recommend taking a look at your eating window and seeing if it’s too large. Next, you want to consider what you are eating in your eating window. Are you sticking to 80/20?
Question 3 - 12:10
Q: I am getting discouraged because I feel like I am taking two steps forward and one step back. I feel like I’m losing like you know 2 pounds and then I’m gaining a pound and then I’m losing 3 pounds and then gaining 2 pounds and just constantly gaining and then losing and then I am gaining. It averages out to be about a pound a week that I am losing, but the up and down is so frustrating. And yes, I am weighing myself at the same time every day. LOL. Is there anything I should do differently?
-Katherine in Tampa
It is near impossible to eat enough in a day or two that would cause you to gain several pounds, so usually the increase in the scale number is due to water.
There are so many factors that come into consideration for weight gain, eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, exercise….they can all impact your body’s water composition and then your weight. Also, high carb and high salt foods can cause water retention and reduce poundage. Weight gain as a result of water fluctuation should normalize in a day or two, which is why you are noticing that your weight goes back down.
The good news for you is that while you are going up and down, you are noticing a downward trend and have lost a lb each week. That’s something to celebrate!
So try not to get too focused on the scale, and weigh yourself on the scale once a week at the same time of day.
Question 4 - 19:20
Q: I have been doing Intermittent Fasting successfully for about 3 weeks, but now I am having trouble sticking in my window and I am craving all kinds of stuff. Any tips for me? I feel like it should be getting easier and not harder!
-Erica in Norfolk
A: Congratulations on starting your journey! The good news about Intermittent Fasting is that it gets easier in time, just like most things. You didn’t mention what your eating window is, but usually when I see people struggling at the beginning, they have started with too small of an eating window.
I compare fasting to running. If you’ve never ran before, you definitely shouldn’t wake up tomorrow and attempt a marathon. You’d get hurt, and you probably would never want to run again!
Fasting is the same, if you have never fasted before, make sure you are starting out with an 8 hour window. As that becomes easier, or more manageable, reduce it to a 7 hour window, then 6. Don’t come out of the gate with a big 24 hour powe fast. That’s a recipe for burnout!
Once your body is used to that ketosis that comes from fasting, you will notice that some of the cravings go away. However, make sure that when you are in your eating window, you ARE eating the things you crave so you are satisfied. The whole point of this plan is to not deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy. Remember the 80/20 Principle- just make sure 80% of what you’re eating is whole, healthy foods, and 20% can be whatever else.
Hang in there!! Getting started is always the hardest part!
Question 5- 24:54
Q: Do you use Ashwagandha? Is so, does it actually work? I heard it speeds up the metabolism and helps in fat burning.
-Susan in Maiden, NC
A: **Not sure if you use this, I am assuming you do. Here is what I found about it**
Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogens are a unique class of healing plants: They help balance, restore and protect the body.
A lot of people use it as an anti anxiety or anti depressant, and some people use it to help naturally regulate their thyroid.
So, you asked specifically about weight loss and fat burning. If you are having a hard time losing weight because of your stress or thyroid issues- yes this will help!
It can lower cortisol levels by 28%, hike the BMR by raising T4 output, and bolster immunity. Rich in iron, it boosts RBC count and circulation, fights inflammation, and gives you energy! All of these things will help you with your weight loss.
If you decide to take it, it’s simple! You can just crush up leaves and put them in your water.
Question 6 - 27:00
Q: Hi, I am so glad I found your podcast it has helped me so much. I have not listen to all your podcast and maybe you have answer some my questions. Feel free to refer me to them.
I have been doing intermittent fasting for a while on and off (2014). I tried to get back to it soon after I stopped breastfeeding my son and for some reason its been hard (1year 1/2). I have recommitted myself to it, the past 3 weeks. I really want to close my window of eating to 5 hours to reach my goal of loosing 20 lbs. My biggest challenge is my inconsistent schedule. I have 4 kids (ages2-8). I work part time helping my husband in his business, I don't have set hours. A lot of times is easy for me to justify myself to eat earlier than my window of time because I won't get a chance due to unexpected events etc. Then I find eating later and more than I should because I want to sit and have dinner with my family. There is times I don't eat dinner and I will just sit with them. I used to eat from 11 -6 in part because I felt hungry or justify to eat because I exercised. I been working on my thoughts and keeping away from the kitchen, that has helped me to eat later. I now tried to eat from 1-6pm.
1) Any tips and suggestions that could help to stick to my window of eating on a busy day or in general?.
2)How can I work on my thoughts ( so that I am not eating because I exercise or out of stress, anger etc?
I been lifting weights (body pump) and doing cardio on a fasted state for several months. I usually don't have a problem but lately I been feeling not as strong or with less energy. I know what I eat can affect me my proficiency. What are some foods you would recommend eating? I am on a budget, I tried to eat beans, sweet potatoes eggs, salads smoothies, chicken. I really don't have time to make two different meals one for me and another for my kids.
Your help would be greatly appreciated. You have re-inspired me to do IF. I have lost 3 pounds the past two weeks. Thank you
- Alejandra in NC
A: Thank you so much for your questions. It sounds like Being a mom and running a business with your husband has your hands full and I am so proud that you are actively making the choice to improve your health and lifestyle!
For your first question, I would recommend to you something that I call a binge saver. This is something that you keep on hand as you are about to open your eating window that will keep you from binging out. An example of this is something high protein, like some almonds, celery with peanut butter, etc. Something SMALL! But when you get that hangry feeling, you’ll eat this binge saver just to tie you over until it’s time for your big meal. Without eating that binge saver, you will find yourself ravenous when you sit down to eat with your family and you will probably want to eat anything and everything!
As for what you are referring to as your thoughts, it sounds like you, like so many of us, can be an emotional eater. I did a whole podcast about this with a friend of mine who is a therapist, I definitely recommend you go back and listen to that! Also, we created a free online quiz you can access at chantelrwayway.com/emotionaleater . It will help you identify what causes you to eat, and will provide you with some helpful tactics to take control of your emotions!
As for recommendations for food, I put together what I call my 80/20 Recipe Collection and it is available at chantelrayway.com for only $4.99. In my book I talk about eating 80% healthy, whole foods, and 20% of whatever you crave. So in my recipe collection, the majority of the recipes fall under that 80% category, but I like to say that they are so good, they taste like they are in that 20%! And then I have some decadent 20% recipes. I think you will find that most of the recipes in there are pretty affordable. There is one that I LOVE called Crack Slaw, it is so cheap and easy, and you can feed your whole family for less than $10!
Question 7 - 37:00
Q: I have always heard that you should try to weigh yourself often so you should try to keep your weights consistent and hold yourself accountable. Lately I’ve been binge listening to all of your podcast over and over and it really helps me. I noticed several different opinions on the scale- one guy said that I should throw it out the window and not worry about it! But I’ve heard you say that we need to weigh ourselves to keep us in check. So what’s the deal- should I toss the scale or should I weigh myself every once in a while. And if so, do you have a scale you recommend?
-Jenna in Vermont
A: A little bit of both! I completely agree that the scale can be misleading. Like we discussed earlier, your water weight, your period, your poop and pee, your exercise can all affect your weigh in and can really discourage you. So you definitely don’t want to obsess over it. That being said, I do believe you want to track your progress- so yes, weigh yourself about once a week, at the same time, wearing the same thing (usually naked). Be consistent, but give yourself grace if it’s the week before your period, or you’ve been doing a lot of weightlifting. I always always remind people to only weigh yourself when you wake up feeling thin. If you’re bloated, don’t even jump on that thing!
I recently purchased the Nokia Body Cardio Scale and I love it! Not only does it measure your weight, It also measures your muscle and bone mass, your water, your BMI, your standing heart rate! And it syncs with an app on your phone. I highly recommend!
Question 8 - 41:20
Q: I have currently lost 14 pounds doing all of the principles in the Chantel Ray Way, but I didn’t work out at all. I really want to start working out, so I joined Orange Theory and started doing some heavy lifting at the YMCA. I love the feeling I get from working out, but it has really stalled my weight loss for a couple weeks. Do you think this is because I am working out, or is it unrelated, and do you think I need to switch up something with my eating?
-Barbara in Charleston
A: This is one of the most common questions that we receive! A lot of people will start with their diet and then start working out once they are feeling lighter, with more energy! 99.9% of the time, they will go from losing a pound or two every week to a stall. And yes this is completely normal! Your body is shifting and changing and building muscle- all reasons for this fluctuation or stall. The best advice I can give you is DON’T STOP! It sounds like you are getting a great mix of cardio and weight training which is awesome! The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. In the meantime, don’t obsess over the scale. If you really want to track your progress, take your measurements! You will be SHOCKED how much your measurements can change while your weight remains the same. Keep up the great work!
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
It's Monday, which means ANOTHER PODCAST PREVIEW! Last week, we had Bishop Courtney McBath in to talk all about biblical fasting and intermittent fasting! In this preview, Mcbath explains his beliefs behind Partial vs Normal vs Absolute Fasting. This is just a little snippet of the full episode, but you can watch the full episode HERE: https://chantelray.podbean.com/e/bishopmcbath/
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
Welcome Back To Another Episode of Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast! In this Episode, Chantel talks to Bishop Courtney McBath and discusses the differences of Intermittent Fasting and Biblical Fasting! Instead of user-submitted questions, Chantel has come up with her own questions to ask Bishop McBath, and find out exactly how he fasts and his overall thought on consecration! We hope you enjoy today's episode!
Watch this here: https://youtu.be/zxj8Ka4YvFY
Question 1 - 6:07
I know that your church, Calvary Revival, is passionate about Consecrating themselves every year in January through Corporate Fasting, can you tell us a little more about this?
Question 2: - 18:01
Here is an acronym to help with your fasting journey.
Question 3: - 19:08
Could you share with the listeners a time that you really had to seek God’s direction for an important decision?
Question 4: - 22:47
Have you experienced any healing in your congregation as a result of your times of consecration?
Question 5: - 24:40
Explain the Daniel Fast VS The Partial Fast.
Question 6: - 31:25
Should worship pastors be held to certain standards?
Question 7: - 32:14
What would you see the Top 5 things are that you notice Christians in bondage to?
Question 8: - 35:50
What advice do you give someone going through a difficult time?
Question 9: - 39:25
Bishop McBath, I just wanted to open the floor for you to share a word with my listeners who are struggling with an Enslaving Sin and feel there is no way out.
Question 10: - 40:41
When doing a biblical fast, should you push out caffeine all together?
Question 11: - 43:51
How should you break a long biblical fast?
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
Happy Monday Everyone! Welcome to another FAVORITE clip here on Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast. On the last podcast, we had author and coach Elle Russ talk about her book and how she overcame her thyroid issues. In honor of her book, mostly all the questions were thyroid related, which we hope you enjoy! This question, as well as so many more, can be found in the full episode...LINKED DOWN BELOW! Sit back, relax, and enjoy this week's favorite clip! We'll see you next time!
Check out the FULL Episode HERE --> https://bit.ly/2G7Zol0
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
On Today's Episode of Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast, Chantel Talks to Author and Coach Elle Russ about Thyroid. Learn what she did to overcome her thyroid issues and some of the practices she talks about in her book. No thyroid question will go unanswered....ENJOY THE SHOW!
Question 1- 10:38
You touched a bit on the differences in T3, T4, and TSH last week, but I just got my bloodwork back and I really want to make sure I understand them. Can you talk a little more about this? I also wanted to see if you could go a little more in depth on Armour Thyroid because it sounds like it may be a good alternative to Synthroid from what you were saying last week! Also, I really want to monitor my thyroid on my own to avoid going to the Doctor- is the thermometer method accurate?
-Angela in Tampa
Question 2- 28:21
All this thyroid talk has made me want to go to the Doctor and get updated blood work- I have been doing Intermittent Fasting for about 3 months with 90/10 Paleo and am really hoping to see an improvement! I was wondering if I should take my Thyroid medicine in the morning before I get my bloodwork done?
-Alicia in GA
Question 3 and 4:
We are lumping the next two questions together because they are similar:
Q3- 36:21I decided to lower my dosage of Synthroid from 150 to 75 because I have been hardcore Paleo for about 5 months now. I still feel kind of out of whack, and I am wondering if I decreased my dosage too much too soon. I should have asked this before, but now I am wondering how you can tell when it is time to decrease your dosage, and also, how can I tell if I decreased it too soon?
-Jeanna in Chesapeake
Q4- 39:37I just started taking a low dosage of 30mg Armour Thyroid. How long should I wait to get my bloodwork checked to see if it’s improved? And how can I tell if I am taking too much or too little?
-Denise in New Jersey
Question 5- 39:37
I started off my journey at 200 pounds and am now at 150! I am proud of my progress, but I still want to lose atleast 15 more pounds, and right now I am
stalled. I have been trying to stick to a Paleo diet but it’s really hard to be diligent with that. Do you have any advice to break this plateau?
Question 6- 46:20
Chantel, you talk about the Paleo diet as it relates to healing your thyroid, and I have been trying to stick to a 90/10 Paleo lifestyle. My question for you is about cheese, some people tell me that it’s paleo and some people say it isn’t. Some people say you can eat things like goat cheese or cottage cheese since they don’t have the same affect as cow’s dairy. What do you think? Another one is quinoa, do you think this fits in the 90 of my 90/10? I have heard that it’s such a great grain.
-Vicki in Delaware
Question 7- 51:05
I have been trying to do longer fasts like 48 hours, but when I take my thyroid meds on these days it makes me feel jittery and TERRIBLE! Should I not take my thyroid meds on these days, or should I take a smaller dose?
-Patty in Staunton
Question 8- 54:24
I am tired all the time! I thought your podcast episode about Thyroid issues was interesting, especially as it pertains to being tired all the time- but my Thyroid levels are fine! What are some other reasons I could be tired?
-Alice in Winston-Salem
Question 9- 57:21
I have enjoyed your past few episodes since I have thyroid issues and have been working hard to stick to a Paleo diet until I get things under control. I also struggle with psoriasis and excema, and have been reading a lot online that they are related to the thyroid. Is this true, and can I expect them to clear up as I continue with my Paleo journey?
-Sandy in Bluefield
Question 10- 58:14
My Doctor says that I am in the high range of Thyroid, he said that my TSH should be somewhere between .1 and 4.53. I am currently at 4. He said that I am currently within the range of normal, even though it’s high. Should I go to find another doctor, or do you know of any natural supplements I can try before
I take this measure? What are some of the questions I should ask a new doctor about my thyroid, or do you know of any resources to help me find a good thyroid doctor?
-Deborah in New Jersey
Question 11- 1:05:58
My thyroid levels are off, and one funny thing I’ve noticed is my areolas are a lot lighter than usual. This isn’t something I’ve heard you talk about in the podcast before as a side effect of thyroid issues, is this normal, and can I expect them to ever go back to their usual color?
-Sierra in Jacksonvill
Question 12- 1:08:01
What is your opinion on Alcohol and Paleo? I have given up dairy and grains, and just don’t want to give up my booze too! What is the best Paleo option for alcohol?
-Mary in Columbia
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Chris in action: https://chantelrayway.com/chrissykes
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your health care professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
You can reach Dr. Scott at:
Back by popular demand – Dr. Mark A. Scott! Join Chantel & Dr. Mark as they discuss tips for lowering your “bad cholesterol”, how magnesium should fit into your diet, how long it takes to reach ketosis, plus more!
Video Version: https://youtu.be/tfMHdjlp04w
Things Mentioned In Today’s Episode:
Acai Bowl Recipe– https://chantelrayway.com/freerecipe/
Calm – https://amzn.to/2I5RKcQ
Liquids You Can Drink - https://youtu.be/g_hXWZ_gzCg
Dr. Mark Scott Routine 1:55
Question 1: 8:25
I got my bloodwork done and all of my tests came back better since I have been doing Intermittent Fasting! The only place I haven’t seen an improvement is my Cholesterol, which is at 300, and my doctor wants to put me on Cholesterol medicine. Do you know of any natural ways I can attempt to improve my Cholesterol before getting on medicine?
-Taryn in Atlanta
Question 2: 17:41
I have a question about Workouts and Fasting- I know that Chantel says that she works out on the days that she does longer fasts, but whenever I do this I am SOOOO lightheaded! I teach Bodypump at the YMCA so I can’t opt out of workouts on the days I fast since it’s my job. Any advice?
-Yolanda in Northern Virginia
Question 3: 22:40
How much magnesium do I need on a daily basis? I’ve noticed that when I eat a lot of it I get the squirts, but also want to be sure I am getting enough. My doctor said that I am magnesium deficient, and I am wondering what causes this?
Question 4: 26:15
I AM SO SLEEPY! Even when I am not fasting, all I want to do is sleep. I went to the Doctor after I heard your thyroid episode- and they said my thyroid was completely fine? What are some other reasons I could be tired?
-Frances in Trenton
Question 5: 29:42
Hi Chantel, in your book you say that you struggle with psoriasis, and so do I! Besides the Intermittent Fasting and 80/20 Principle, are there any other remedies that you recommend?
-Dianne in New York
Question 6: 33:05
I am really enjoying this podcast and have lost 20 pounds so far! I’ve been stalled out for the past two weeks, even though I am keeping my eating window to about 6 hours per day. Do you think I should start counting my calories?
-Helen in Vienna
Question 7: 37:09
After reading the book I started doing a 24 Hour Power Fast every week- I really love it, and it has really helped me with my weight loss. It is becoming less and less of a challenge for me, so I want to attempt a 48 hour fast. Do you have any advice before I begin? Also, for a 48 hour fast, do you recommend that I can have some of the crutch foods and crutch liquids? I know you mention coconut water being healthy, is this okay for me to have during my 48 hour fast?
-Christine in Virginia Beach
Question 8: 42:30
I tried the Ketogenic for a while, but after listening to your podcast, I switched to Intermittent Fasting and have loved it! I stick to a 5-6 hour every day, and try to do a big power fast atleast once a week. I have heard that I can still experience Ketosis while fasting, even though I am not following the Keto diet. How can I test to see if my body is in Ketosis?
-JoAnne in Tappahannock
Question 9: 47:02
You talk a lot about how it takes time for your body to adjust from sugar burning to fat burning. How long does it take? Does it vary from person to person?
Second, I have friend who’s having huge success with the omad diet. 1 meal a day and lost a bunch of weight. Any idea how I can get from a 5-hour eating window down to an omad diet?
Question 10: 49:08
I have several friends selling ketones through a multi-level marketing company and they say they really help you get into ketosis, or fat burning mode even if you aren’t following the ketogenic diet. I know that you aren’t a fan of the keto diet, but I wanted to see if you have tried any products like this and if so, do you recommend them?
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Chris in action: https://chantelrayway.com/chrissykes
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your health care professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Welcome back to another Episode of Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast! Today, Chantel is joined by Nutrition Expert Jennifer Van Horn. Listen as Jennifer breaks down exactly what she eats to stay in shape! It's a content packed episode as always with 10 of YOUR questions! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the episode!
Check out the Whole Foods Video on YouTube! https://youtu.be/sS59uK-ziyA
Best Chia Seed Pudding Reciple: https://youtu.be/L5qrW5KVEmU
Question 1: 4:35
I lost about 40 pounds since I started Intermittent Fasting mixed with the Paleo diet- I feel so much better! I love that my skin has cleared up which is an awesome and unexpected side effect. Unfortunately, I have stalled out on my weight loss for the past month! This stinks because I haven’t changed anything about my diet, I still do great with my eating window and with my Paleo diet. What do you recommend to break my stall- should I try the calorie approach?
-Lexi in Augusta
Question 2: 21:40
I just turned 30 and I figure it’s time to start thinking about my future as I am growing older. Besides fasting, and sticking to the 80/20 principle, what are some supplements, vitamins, etc that a woman my age should be taking? I’ve heard some people say that we can get our vitamins, minerals, micros, omegas, EVERYTHING from the food we eat! Is this true?
-Macy in Lubbock
Question 3: 26:25
Since doing Intermittent Fasting, I’ve realized that I have a lot more food sensitivities, not that they are crazy, but I think I just notice much more now what foods make me feel good and what doesn’t. For example, soy, eggs, and wheat seem to be irritating me. Do you think I am gluten intolerant or it is just a mild reaction?I love these things, and when I cut them out I feel so deprived. Do you have any advice?
Question 4: 30:54
Q:I have not felt at ALL Like myself lately. I have been researching my symptoms, which include exhaustion, a MAJOR sweet tooth, brain fog, sick all of the time, and worst of all, a low sex drive!!!!! Everything I am reading leads me to believe this is Candida. If so, how did I get it? And what can I do to treat this? I would appreciate your help, and so would my husband! LOL!
-Angie in Charlottesville
Question 5: 34:56
Q: Chantel, you touched on Probiotics back when your podcast first started but I haven’t heard much since. What is your favorite Probiotic, and what dosage do you recommend I take and how often?
-Connie in Delaware
Question 6: 39:29
Q: I struggle with Candida, and have heard that it will really help me to get rid of sugar all together! The problem is when I do this, I find myself craving it all the time and then I binge with something like a huge ice cream sundae! I feel like I am always making two steps forward and one step back. What do you suggest?
-Melinda in Grand Rapids
Question 7: 42:22
Q: When I was younger I took a lot of antibiotics because I had a lot of ear infections- I am reading now that this could be why I am having so many issues with my gut! For this reason I try really hard not to give them to my kids. Is there anything I can do to reverse the damage these antibiotics caused to my gut?
-Carin in Jackson
Question 8: 49:07
Q: What is the difference in a probiotic and prebiotic? I have been taking probiotics for a while now and my friend said she takes a prebiotic as well! I googled it and the info I find just doesn’t make sense.
-Ashton in Louisville
Question 9: 54:00
Q: One of my friends that’s a FREAK about gut health blames everything on the gut! Like when I am in a bad mood, she says my gut must be off lol. She says there’s a connection to my gut and my mood. I’ve been really moody lately and trying to put my finger on why! Then I realized I have also been constipated, and am wondering if my friend is actually right! Can this truly be related to my gut?
-Rose in Georgia
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Chris in action: https://chantelrayway.com/chrissykes
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your health care professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Get into FAT BURNING MODE with the Doctor - Favorite Clip from Episode #27
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
You can reach Dr. Scott at:
Hey guys! Welcome back to Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast! Today, we're excited to announce that you will now be getting TWO episodes of the podcast each and every week! You will still be getting the full episode on Thursdays (as always), but we will now be uploading a TEASER podcast every Monday! This will be one of our FAVORITE clips from the week before, just to give you a little taste of what the full episode has to offer! In this clip, Dr. Mark Scott and Chantel go over the process of fat burning as it relates to CARBS and Intermittent Fasting.
Check out the Full Episode HERE: >> https://apple.co/2FrIa1G <<
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Chris in action: https://chantelrayway.com/chrissykes
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your health care professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
#27: The Doctor Is In to Talk ALL Things Thyroid! (with Dr. Mark A. Scott)
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
You can reach Dr. Scott at:
Welcome back to another Episode of Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast! Today, Chantel is joined by Dr. Mark A. Scott! He has been in private practice here in Virginia Beach, VA since 1996. Chantel and Mark dive into 10 listener submitted questions in this thyroid information filled episode! Sit back, take some notes, and enjoy this Episode of the Intermittent Fasting Podcast!
Question 1- 3:22
Q: It seems like “Gluten-Free” is a big buzz word right now! A lot of my friends eat Gluten Free, and the other day my girl friend told me I should consider eating this way because of my thyroid issues. Could you explain how glutten affects your thyroid?
- Beth in Virginia Beach
A: There is definitely a buzz going around about going gluten free these days! I tell people all the time that no foods should be off limits, UNLESS they negatively affect my body. As for me, I know that when I am only eating gluten in the 20 of my 80/20, my thyroid is going to trying to heal my thyroid, I cut gluten out completely, and went 100% Paleo. Is this sustainable? No, but I recommend people with Thyroid issues doing this for a limited time until they see improvement. Again, I eat gluten now, but it will be included in the 20% of my diet that I am not eating clean. Because of my thyroid issues, I feel better when I’ve cut out gluten, but I know that is not sustainable for the rest of my life, and I don’t like to ever feel deprived.
Most doctors would agree that it is good for people with thyroid issues to eliminate or cut back on gluten. Although there are many factors involved in Hashimoto’s (which I was diagnosed with) and other autoimmune and thyroid-related conditions, going gluten-free can provide a huge benefit.
Unfortunately, the evidence that those with Hashimoto’s benefit from a gluten-free diet is, so far, anecdotal. That doesn’t mean that it’s not true, just that it hasn’t yet been confirmed with science, or atleast any studies that I can find.
My advice would be to try cutting it out for a short amount of time, and see how you feel! I am all about listening to your body!
Question 2- 7:03
Q: My online research leads me to believe that I have thyroid issues, but I haven’t been to the doctor yet. Can you do an overview of the symptoms I should be keeping an eye on, and is there a way I can verify without going to the Doctor?
- Sarah in Arizona
A: I compiled my top 10 Symptoms that I have noticed in myself and in others that I talk to.
- TIRED ALL THE TIME, even if you slept all night.
- Mood swings, depression or anxiety.
- Pain in the muscles and joints
- Being cold ALL the time, esp in your feet and hands.
- Weight gain, or being unable to lose weight.
- General hormonal issues- irregular periods, TERRIBLE PMS, low sex drive, and sadly, sometimes infertility
- Dry skin and hair, brittle nails
- Swelling in the neck
- Forgetfulness, haziness, or general brain fog
Those are the big things to look out for, but a lot of these symptoms can be the sign of something else as well, so I think it’s a great idea to check your thyroid at home. I recently purchased a Basal Body Temperature Thermometer. A lot of women use these when they are trying to get pregnant and are tracking their ovulation. They are more sensitive than a regular thermometer and allow you to track more closely.
Question 3- 13:50
Q: I’ve been taking Synthroid for almost a year now. Recently, I have read terrible things online about it. Should I try something more natural like Armor Thyroid?
-Erin in Lynchburg
A lot of people have complained of things like anxiety and irregular heart rate while on Synthroid.
Some people also claim that Synthroid may actually worsen your condition, as the synthetic T4 may compete with your body's natural T4 for cellular receptor sites.
I personally HATE taking medication of any kind, and hated that every time I went to the Doctor, he was upping my dose of Synthroid.
I love that you are looking into a healthy alternatives, just like I was! In a previous podcast, I went deep on how I got myself off of Synthroid using Intermittent Fasting and a paleo diet.
As for Armour Thyroid, I haven’t used this personally, but from what I understand, It is a natural product made from animal thyroid glands (usually a pig's). It replaces or provides more T3 and T4 hormones.
When I did some research online, I found a lot of people still complaining of negative side effects still relating to their heartbeat, anxiety, periods, etc.
Even though it is more natural than Synthroid and is natural, it is still a drug and in my opinion is still going to have some sort of side effect. I would recommend you give the Paleo diet a try if you are looking for the most natural way to get off those drugs, and definitely check out the podcast I did about this!
Question 4- 21:25
Q: What is the difference between T3, T4 and TSH? I’ve been trying to do some reading online all about thyroid and I am not understanding the difference between T3 T4 versus TSH. Can you explain these in an easy fashion where I can understand?
-Angela in Pennsylvania
A: So you’re your thyroid produces T3 and T4…a lot of people think that the TSH is a thyroid hormone, but it is ACTUALLY a pituitary hormone. TSH is your body’s gauge, or thermometer for the amount of thyroid hormones you have. A lot of people also assume when their T3 and T4 are low that their TSH is also low, but the OPPOSITE is actually true. There is actually an INVERSE relationship between T3, T4, and TSH. So If your T3 and T4 are high, TSH will go down. And if your TSH is high, T3 and T4 will go down. So if your pituitary gland senses that your Thyroid Hormones are low or high, it will send out TSH to help regulate it. It’s actually pretty cool how these two types or hormones work together!
Question 5- 27:29
Q: I am having trouble pooping since I’ve been doing intermittent fasting. I’ve always been a terrible pooper, and my thyroid is acting up. Do you think me not pooping has anything to do with my thyroid?
- Anonymous
A: Yes, this absolutely has to do with your thyroid, because your thyroid issues will make you constipated! This is one of my least favorite symptoms of my thyroid issues!
Constipation is a classic sign of hypothyroidism. Without enough thyroid hormone, many of the body’s functions slow down, and your digestive track is one of them, as it can weaken the contraction of the muscles lining the tract.
Sometimes when I am really struggling and need to go, I will take a fiber drink like Metamucil which helps me. Coffee with coconut oil also helps me get moving, and of course, you will want to make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
Question 6- 33:37
Q: I got some blood work done on my liver, and my doctor said that my liver is not in good shape. Do you think that has anything to do with my thyroid ?
-Tracy in Chesapeake
A: This is such a great question! There are so many people walking around with a thyroid problem but its secondary, or caused by something else.
The liver and thyroid work closely together since the liver converts thyroid hormones. 80% of thyroid functions actually occur through your liver.
T4, one of the thyroid hormones we talked about earlier, is actually INACTIVE until the liver activates it to become T-3. So without a liver you cannot convert and make your thyroid work.
If your liver is damaged, chances are that is the source of your thyroid problem. If you have constipation that blocks your liver, that can also be a source of thyroid problems.
It’s so amazing the way each part of our body is designed to work closely together.
Question 7- 36:24
Q: I’ve noticed lately that my nails are super brittle and they have these little lines on them..I started doing some research online and it seems it could be thyroid related? I read that thyroid issues can also make your skin and hair dry- which mine are! Am I overanalyzing this too much…do I just need some lotion and a manicure! LOL Or do you think this is truly thyroid related?
-Ashlyn in North Carolina
A: Absolutely this is thyroid related. If there is a problem with a low thyroid, 1,000 enzymes will be blocked. That’s why you don’t have proteins to make healthy hair, you get vertical ridges on your nails, you get cold feet, you have problems with depression, you are tired, have decreased libido, digestive problems, constipation, you crave carbs! All of the symptoms we have previously discussed in this podcast. So yes, some lotion and a manicure would help but you should definitely take a look at the deeper issue and look at naturally curing your thyroid.
Question 8- 38:41
Q: How do I know when I started in a fat burning state?
-Tara in Charleston
A: There is no scientific or precise way to figure this out, but what I recommend is to listen for your stomach growling because that’s when you know that your body is emptied out. The reason your stomach growls is because it’s your signal saying HEY MY STOMACH IS EMPTY! The growling noise is your stomach contracting as it tries to find any food to eat that it may have missed earlier! This process cleans up any food that was missed earlier. When these muscle contractions get going again and your stomach is empty, those gas and air pockets make a lot more noise that you hear as stomach growling. I recommend waiting about two hours after your stomach growls to eat! It s a great way to burn fat because during that two hours your body diving into your fat cells and eating your fat for fuel! It is important that you are able to differentiate the sound of your body digesting food right after you ate, versus the empty, hollow sound of a true stomach growl.
Question 9- 44:49
Q: Hey guys,
I’m so thankful to have your show during my morning commute. Maybe it’s a synchronicity, but most of the questions I have about IF always seem to be answered in your podcast.
I’ve been doing IF for about 3 weeks now, and it’s definitely working for me. I’ve found that I have more energy and I am SOO much less crabby and cranky throughout the day.
I know you’ve mentioned PCOS in previous podcasts, and the advice was super helpful. I’ve recently starting feeling some changes in the way my body feels that I relate to my cycle: tender bosom (I love using that word whenever I get the chance lol), slight cramping, and other PMS-like symptoms (mood and cravings). I had my cycle just before starting IF, so experiencing these symptoms this “soon” is a bit out of character for my body. I have extremely irregular periods and I’m curious to know what about IF contributes to managing PCOS, if anything at all.
I also was curious to know if you have ever heard of taking Metformin for PCOS (I’m not a diabetic, nor do I have any other ailments, outside of PCOS.) My midwife/nurse practitioner (I’m not pregnant, just prefer a midwife over doc for womanly care) suggests I should take Metformin to help regulate my periods, as an option outside of BC. I’m a little unsure if I want to go this route as I am usually hesitant to take medications “unnecessarily.” I’m not severely afflicted w/ PCOS, but it definitely causes me to be very irregular in my cycle. Do you think this could interfere with my IF journey, or do you think it could be an assistant to the benefits of IF?
Any advice/info/opinions you have would be awesome!
Jazzmin - Miami
A: Congratulations on 3 weeks of IF! I am so happy to hear that you are seeing great results. Keep up the great work!
So PCOS is something that I have struggled with, and we discuss it in good detail in a previous podcast, which Jazzmin is referring to. If you missed that one, definitely go back and listen!
The first part of the question, you’re talking about how you feel as if you are starting your period a little early, since you had one right before starting IF and have been doing it for 3 weeks. Most people will find that anytime you dramatically change your eating habits, IE going full Paleo, or cutting out carbs, etc, or change your eating patterns, IE Intermittent Fasting, you will see a little shift in your period. When I first started IF I noticed my period was irregular for a few months until it finally balanced out, it has been super regular ever since!
The reason for this is really simple and actually good! Fat stores estrogen, so any time you start disrupting your fat stores, you are likely to have some cycle disruption as well. So while an early period may stink, it means that your body is eating it’s fat stores! Stick it out, and you will find that it regulates soon.
As for Metformin, I have heard of people taking this as an alternative to birth control. It has not been approved by the FDA for treatment of PCOS, but many doctors are prescribing it for PCOS treatment because women with PCOS often have elevated insulin levels and are more likely to develop diabetes.
SO…it will definitely help! But You will not enjoy some of the other “benefits” of Birth Control such as…..birth control LOL obviously, it won’t prevent pregnancy, and also it won’t help you with the excess facial hair that many women with PCOS experience. But you also won’t have to worry about the negative effects of birth control that some people complain about such as weight gain, and more dangerous, blood clots.
As Metformin relates to IF, I can’t find any research that leads me to believe that it would interfere with IF in a negative way. But, I do recommend taking it with your first meal of the day, and not on an empty stomach.
Like I mentioned in the podcast where we talked about PCOS, and as my doctor told me, if you struggle with PCOS the absolute best thing you can do for your body is to be at your ideal “healthy” weight and I am not sure where you are weight wise, but I know that since you started your IF journey three weeks ago, you are well on your way if not there already.
Question 10- 51:07
Q: I have noticed I am staying up a lot later at night not sure if it is from the IF? Perhaps I have more energy or something and sometimes it is hard to wind down. Right now it is after 1 am and a few nights I was up to after 3 and could not fall asleep until around 4 or 5. I already have to take 50 mg of lorazepam most nights to stop me from thinking so I can sleep. It would be great if I could get off of that also. I have only had to take it for the last several years, I am 61. Before that I slept just fine. I don't drink much coffee maybe half a cup twice a day especially on the days I did not get enough sleep. I also try to do 1 cup of decaf green tea and sometimes one of the sleepy time teas later in the evening. I can go several days with no coffee so not sure why I am wound up longer at night? Any guidance is appreciated.
Thanks again so much! Have a blessed weekend!
A: Well Jean, you are a lot like me!!! As I say over and over again, I hate taking drugs unnecessarily too, and I can relate to you wanting to get off that Lorazepam. You didn’t mention in the question how long you have been Intermittent Fasting, but if you are newer to the Intermittent Fasting lifestyle, unfortunately this can be normal while your body gets adjusted.
I’ve heard several reasons for this, one is that when you are fasting your body is hyped up on adrenaline. You didn’t mention what exactly your eating window is, but if you are eating your last meal 4-5 hours before bedtime, you could try bumping your eating window up an hour or so later and seeing if this helps.
Another reason is increased caffeine intake- a lot of people will drink extra caffeine when they are fasting, but it sounds like this is not the issue for you, you’ve really cut back on your caffeine intake, it sounds. The only thing I would say in that department is maybe stick to strictly sleepy time tea in the evening, as sometimes even in Decaf Green Tea there will be traces of caffeine.
You didn’t mention in your question if you work out or not, but if you are working out in the second half of the day, you may find that this is making it difficult for you to wind down. I recommend working out in the morning if your schedule allows..I start my day with a workout at 5:45 every day and for this reason, I NEVER have an issue falling asleep at night!
Overall, I think that as your body becomes more accustomed to the Intermittent Fasting lifestyle, you will find yourself sliding back into your old sleeping patterns. In the meantime, you could also take something natural like Melatonin, or try something I LOVE to do at night, and that is to diffuse Lavender essential oils by my bed.
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
#26 Is Intermittent Fasting BAD For Women??? (+MORE) !
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
On Today's Episode, Chantel once again answeres YOUR questions about Intermittent Fasting! She will be answering more quetions about healing your thyroid and getting to one of the most asked questions on the podcast! "If I'm a women, will it mess me up hormonally?" That question and many more to come on today's episode!
Question 1- 1:06
I have been doing intermittent fasting for a while and I have been tired a lot of the time. My doctor says everything is fine, but should I try something else to see if there is something wrong?? -Harriett in Charlston
Question 2- 1:37
I have been reading about checking my own thyroid online, and have read that I should be using a basal thermometer - I only have a regular thermometer - is there a difference in the two? -Jenna in Charlotte
Question 3- 8:23
Is it ok to take my vitamisn in the morning with water when I am fasting? Or is it better to wait until I eat? Tracy R.
Question 4- 10:49
I have been intermittent fasting for the passed 4 weeks and haven't really seen a difference in my weight, but my clothes are definitely feeling loose! I haven't really experienced the whoosh effect that you talk about and I have been around the same weight for some time now. Is this because I am already somewhat fit and wont get that whoose effect? -Maritza
Question 5- 17:06
I have been enjouing your podcast and have learned a lot of great info. I am sure my question has been asked before but I haven't been able to find the answer. I am 46 and have gained around 45 pounds over the years throught many pregnancies etc. I am struggling to find the right amount of calories I should be consuming to see results. Can you help me with this? -Jeannie for Ontario
Question 6- 23:07
I have been doing the intermittent fasting lifestyle for about 2 months now, and have lost 12 pounds! Recently I have heard that hormonally, intermittent fasting can have a negative effect on women, and that they shouldn't fast more than 16 hours, and no more than 3 days a week. I have heard people say that women should do crescendo fasting. How do you respond to this? -Anita in South Carolina
Question 7- 27:05
I am not sure if I can do this as I hab bouths of low blood sugar occasionally. I have done the hunger/fullness eating with success but have only been doing that haphazardly lately. I like the idea of fasting. -Naomi
Question 8- 31:18
Q: Which glucose monitor allows you to draw samples from other parts of your body beside fingers? -Don and Joan
Question 9- 33:20
Q: How will I ever lose weight if it takes 18 to 24 hours of fasting before the body burns fat? -Terrie
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Chris in action: https://chantelrayway.com/chrissykes
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
#25 Learn Ways To heal Your Thyroid w/ Jenna Kehoe
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
How do you heal your thyroid? Can you take medicine in a fasted state? Are you able to fast if you work a swing shift with constantly shifting windows? We answer this question and more in today's episode! Chantel is joined by her good friend, Jenna Kehoe.
Question 1 and Question 2: 1:29
Question 1
Q: I have an underactive thyroid. My question is how do you propose I wean myself off of the synthroid (Levothyroxine) or if you are not allowed to say tell me how you did it please. I really want to get off of this. I take 112 dose once a day. Should I take it every other day or cut it in half or just stop taking it? I have started the intermittent fasting and I am reading your book which just came in the mail Saturday (I saw you on the 700 Club). Thanks for your time and have a blessed day.
Question 2
Q: Hi ,I’ve been on IF for about three weeks now. Haven’t noticed a huge weight loss if any but I do notice things like my gut feels better and some of my skin in certain areas appears tighter. My question is I have Hashimoto’s and I’m going through menopause. I’m 52 years old and I was wondering is there anything that I can do to help my progress move along faster and to possibly and hopefully heal my Hashimoto’s? I really do feel like this is the thing for me but I am having trouble getting used to doing longer fasts than 18/6 or 16/8. I feel like those two times really work for me and I feel like a longer fast would be difficult because I am a nurse and it would be hard for me to do that while working. Any advice for the auto immune and the menopause would be greatly appreciated. I’m so thankful for your show and I feel like this is a life changer for me.
-Beth, Dallas
Question 3 9:22
Q: Hi Chantal,
One of your recent podcast you mentioned that chewing even sugar-free gum during fasting creates an insulin response and therefore will take you out of the fasting State and halt any fat loss. I had been chewing sugar-free gum during my fasting and was very disheartened by the seemingly inability of for me to lose weight. Once I stopped chewing gum during my fasting, the weight loss picked up again! Thank you so much for this helpful information!!
Question 4 – 14:10
Q: I just bought your book but have a question. My husband works a swing shift so can we incorporate this if we have to change his eating window almost every week?
Question 5: 21:09
Hi Chantel,
Really happy to have discovered your podcast and find your connection to the Biblical principles really insightful. I just listened to your podcast about LaCroix waters and found that helpful but it triggered another question for me. My husband and I are 3 weeks into the IF lifestyle and finding it fairly easy to follow.
We typically do not start eating until 12 or 1, and since we both work office jobs we are looking for liquids to help beat our morning hunger. We both have always enjoyed "nutty" flavored coffee. The coffee is "black", no syrup or cream added, see links below. Are these breaking our fast? Additionally, at night after our eating window has expired, we often drink tea. We recently found these flavored tazo teas that are delicious and help beat sugar cravings outside of eating windows. What are your thoughts on these?
Donut Shop Nutty Caramel: No calories, no sugars, no carbs. Each K-Cup pod is made with 100% Arabica ground coffee, no artificial ingredients and certified Orthodox Union Kosher (U).
Tazo Dessert Delights Tea
Organic Smooth Move Peppermint Tea
Question 6 – 25:04
Q: I have been doing IF for about 3 mos now and I AM COLD ALL THE TIME!!!!! Is there a reason behind this, besides the fact that I don’t have as much body fat as I did before?
-Laura in Nashville
Question 7 – 28:04
Q:When I am reading about Intermittent Fasting online, I keep hearing about OMAD- What is this, and do you recommend it?
-Andrew in Chesapeake
Question 8 – 31:50
Q: Since I have been intermittent fasting, I have been so sad. Never cried at movies, been crying at movies. Is this just a coincidence?
-Stephanie in VIRGINIA beach
Question 9: 33:39
Q: I struggle with PCOS, and my Doctor has told me that it has to do with Insulin Resistance. This was the first I heard of this, but honestly as I am googling, it explains a lot of the symptoms that I am dealing with. Chantel, I have heard you mention that you used to struggle with PCOS, and I was wondering if you could elaborate a little more on that as it pertains to insulin resistance?
Question 10: 37:16
Q: For intermittent fasting does a person definitely loose weight? I have been wanting to loose the weight but unable to do so
Sincerely Dorothy Andrews Thanks
Question 11: 38:33
Q: What time is the best window to do, 12-6, 1-7- is it better to do the same window every day or mix it up? Is it better to open your window earlier in the day or later?
Crystal in Fairfax
Question 12: 39:40
Q: Some days I have so much energy and just feel like a million bucks, and then the next day I am so tired. Why the energy swings? How can I regulate them?
-Ashley in South Carolina
Question 13: 40:54
This is a question from last week that I wasn’t able to answer as in depth as I wanted, so I wanted to re-visit it.
Q: I don’t eat gluten and dairy all the time, but I definitely feel like when I have either dairy or gluten I feel terrible. Since I’ve been doing IF, I’ve been able to eat dairy and gluten and it doesn’t bother me as much. Does this have to do with the IF or is it in my head.
-Aaron in Maryland
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
#24 You are NOT getting enough POTASSIUM!!!
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
On Today's episode of the Waist Away Podcast, Chantel and Chris dive into the topic of POTASSIUM. Did you know that bananas aren't the best source of potassium? There are so many other sources that can actually help you get to your daily potassium goal so much quicker. They also answer a few questions that haven't been asked before! Can you still do Intermittent Fasting if you're pregnant?? Find out in todays episode!
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Chris in action: https://chantelrayway.com/chrissykes
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
Question 1- 1:02
What are some of the best sources of potassium? I know the recommended amount is about 4700 mg. Where can I get this?
Question 2- 6:36
What drinks are acceptable for me to have during my fasting window? Can I have black coffee with creamer?
Question 3- 10:09
Can you do intermittent fasting if you are a type 2 diabetic?
Question 4- 13:47
I am on a lifetime diet because of an issue that I have with my liver. I would love to know a little more about how fasting helps you burn fat.
Question 5- 15:41
Will having sugar furing my window hurt my weight loss? I have 40 more pounds to lose, and I don't want to mess up how far I've already come.
Question 6- 17:40
I have been doing intermittent fasting for about 6 months and I have recently become pregnant! I asked my doctor and he said it was safe if I continuted to do IF. Sometimes I feel extra nauseous when I am fasting. Do you have any tips for the Nausea?
Question 7- 19:50
I don't always eat dairy and gluten, but I definitely feel terrible when I do. Since I've been doing IF, I've been able to eat dairy and gluten and it hasn't bothered me as much. Does this have to do with IF?
Purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
Friday Mar 30, 2018
#23 Why Am I Not Losing Weight While Intermittent Fasting? (+ more!)
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
You may be asking yourself, "why am I not making any progress while fasting? I feel like I've actually GAINED weight." Or maybe you're wondering if pre-workout drinks or even chewing gum could be spiking your insulin and breaking your fast. We have the answers! Join us for today's episode with Chantel and Chris answering your questions. Continue to send your questions to questions@chantelrayway.com or text 757-412-9278
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Chris in action: https://chantelrayway.com/chrissykes
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
Question 1 - 0:21
Does chewing gum break your fast? I know it’s a small thing - but I chew a lot of gum!!! Would that spike an insulin response? What are your thoughts?
Question 2 - 3:52
I need some recommendations for getting in shape, I haven’t seen the results I want yet!
Question 3 - 7:14
Will drinking a pre-workout drink break my fast? Workout at 5am and first meal at 12, with an 8 hour window until 8. Also, what about BCAA after workout?
Question 4 – 8:00
Hi Chantel and Chris, I LOVE your podcast and wanted to get you to weigh in on the great debate of sodium. I have read a lot about the Ketogenic diet and it talks a lot about making sure you get enough salt. But I have also heard that if you are a woman trying to lose weight, Sodium is your number one enemy! Which is true? Does sodium make me gain weight, or do I need it? Does sodium make me gain weight?
Question 5- 14:15
I have been fasting in an 8 hour window for a little over a month now, and have been working out REALLY hard with a new trainer. Since I started, I have gained about 5 pounds. My friends tell me I have probably gained all muscle weight, that muscle weighs more than fat, etc.. But 6 lbs is a lot! Is it possible to gain six pounds of muscle in a month, or do you think I am doing something wrong in my eating window…maybe I am eating too much?
Question 6 – 18:15
I tend to open my eating window around 2pm and I am RAVAGED! Like Chantel says in her book, I am hamster hungry. I try to eat something relatively healthy, but as soon as I eat, I feel a HUGE drop in my energy! It’s annoying because I feel so energetic in the morning and then lose that energy when I eat. Is this normal? Should I be eating something different?
Question 7 – 23:34
My knee has been KILLING me lately…. It’s super painful and swollen.I have been working out harder than usual trying to get ready for the summer and I am wondering if I should stop workout out and give the knee some rest? Also, will fasting have any positive or negative affects on my knee?
Question 8 – 25:15
I loved your podcast with April! I have been looking into CBD oil for quite some time now and it definitely gave me the push to order some, I can’t wait to get started! I was wondering if it will break my fast, or if I can take it in the morning while I am in the fasted state?
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
#22 Muscle Loss, Fat Burning and Fasting DEBUNKED with Jay Campbell!
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Today Chantel and Chris are joined by Jay Campbell, a Champion Men’s Physique Competitor and the best selling author of The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual, and most recently, The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet! Jay has experience working with thousands of men and women in optimizing their nutrition, exercise, fitness and fat loss. He also does intermittent fasting! Listen as the three of them answer your questions on fasting, fat loss, and more!
Get Jay's book for free! http://metabolicblowtorchdiet.com/ or email jay@trtrevolution.com to get a free pdf of the book. Mention Chantel Ray Way! To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Chris in action: https://chantelrayway.com/chrissykes
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
3:05 I'm concerned with losing all of my muscle if I fast...I work out a lot!
9:38 I've been eating healthy and exercising but I'm freaking out. Is there anything I can do to get the woosh effect? Also can I drink Le Croix sparking waters during fasting?
18:50 What should my calorie goal be? Am I getting enough calories?
24:06 Does my daily morning meds and fish oil knock me out of a fat burning mode?
28:32 How long have you and Chris been doing IF? What are your favorite benefits of doing it long term? Is it sustainable for years?
33:33 Sometimes I'm ravaged which leads me to overeat! Any tips to help with this?
39:47 Are the thin eaters that you interviewed doing intermittent fasting or small meals throughout the day?
Purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs