
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Sally K. Norton, consultant, speaker, and vitality coach! Despite her love of healthy foods, she suffered through three decades of pain and health challenges, from the age of 12. A wide-range of health care providers, surgeries, orthotic appliances, physical therapy, prescription drugs, and other care options failed to help. But surprisingly, a specific change of diet finally did: the low-oxalate diet. Now, she seeks to educate people with accurate information about oxalates, and how to keep them from harming your health and stealing your happiness. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://sallyknorton.com/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTJ3tzPogdY&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Robyn Openshaw. She is the original Green Smoothie Girl and founder of GreenSmoothieGirl.com. She is also the author of 15 health and wellness books including the USA Today bestseller, Vibe, and her all-time bestseller The Green Smoothies Diet (2009). She has been a featured expert in more than 20 online summits and a keynote speaker in health and personal growth events. She has also been featured in Forbes, Women’s First Health, Good Things Utah, Utah Valley Magazine and many other national and local media outlets. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://greensmoothiegirl.com/
Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie: https://greensmoothiegirl.com/recipes/hot-pink-breakfast-smoothie-2/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vy6iXD820w&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! I’m so excited for my next guest. She is a pilot and meteorologist turned Functional Medicine Chiropractic Physician. She specializes in nutrigenomic support for those who have a genetic polymorphism for MTHFR. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://www.enlightenstl.com/
Genius Food Formula: https://geneiusfoodformula.com/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD-dGDu-ONg&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! I’m very excited for today’s guest. She is a doctor specializing in dermatology, and the Founder and CEO of the natural skin care line, Shiffa. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://www.shiffa.com/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taJhPAnY9pI&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Reed Davis. Often called the “Columbo” of health because he seeks clues to his patients’ underlying health problems, he is a Nutritional Therapist and Founder of the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) Certification Course. He is also the creator of the D. R. E. S. S. for Health Success® program. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crr_eSifRCo&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Dr. Michael Banman, a His focus on nervous system correction and function led him to complete advanced courses in CBP (Chiropractic Biophysics) technique and a masters course from ISICO (Istituto Scientifico Italiano Colonna Vertebrale) in Milan, Italy. It has become Dr. Banman's mission to help people make their best health plan so that they can live pain free, long, healthy lives. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: http://alignedlifemed.com/
GUEST INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/alignedlifemed/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJRtA9219dI&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Debra Atkinson. She is the creator of Flipping 50, a website, podcast, and blog dedicated to helping women, aged 50 and older, reach their health and fitness goals, and she is the author of, You still Got It, Girl! Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://www.flippingfifty.com
GIVEAWAY: https://www.flippingfifty.com/hotnotbothered
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5QiSqyzUEQ&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Tiffany Terczak. She is a natural living advocate and the creator of Don’t Waste the Crumbs a website devoted to helping others eat real food on a real budget, and she is the author of High Protein No Powder. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://dontwastethecrumbs.com/
Green Tea Recipe: https://naturallivingfamily.com/recipes/matcha-green-tea-latte/
VIDEO VERSION:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXFjlHScFqw&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Tina Anderson, former attorney, and current CEO of Just Thrive, a supplement company specializing in gut health. She has discovered how incredibly important gut health is to overall health, and that an imbalance in the gut leads to the majority of diseases and illness out there. In founding their company, she and her husband Billy also learned that, in order to rebalance your gut, you need to take a daily probiotic that actually works, meaning the friendly bacteria (probiotics) win out the every day battle over the bad bacteria. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://justthrivehealth.com/
COUPON CODE: Chantel10
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH5ycnDEca4&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Maggie Berghoff. She helps men and women all over the world find balance in their body and minds. She is the creator of Total Body Blueprint Immersion, which is a head-to-toe specialty laboratory testing package that helps Maggie determine a plan to help you reach your health and wellness goals. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://www.maggieberghoff.com/home
Giveaway link: https://www.maggieberghoff.com/inflammation-type
VIDEO VERSION:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N237-yCrYu4&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Sally Duffin. She is a health writer, a registered nutritional therapist and nutritionist, and she runs Nutrition in York. Enjoy!
GHEE RECIPE: https://nutritioninyork.co.uk/how-to-make-ghee/
GUEST WEBSITE: https://nutritioninyork.co.uk/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXXjNsvOD9I&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Bree Argetsinger, aka The Betty Rocker. She is a Corrective Exercise and High-performance Kinesiology exercise coach, a Nationally Certified Structural Integration Practitioner, an International Sports Sciences Association certified fitness nutrition practitioner, and also the founder of Rock Your Life. An online fitness studio with live streaming home workout classes, 30-day challenges, healthy recipes, and an empowering women’s fitness community. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://thebettyrocker.com/
GUEST GIVEAWAY: https://makefatcrychallenge.com/?_ga=2.169516641.1333429502.1573656932-1045593114.1573227751
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7EP5dOqNIE&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Dr. Elena Villenueva, Chief Health Coach of Modern Holistic Health. She is a holistic doctor who practices holistic care in Austin, Texas. Dr. V finds passion in supporting people during their search for healthier alternatives, healing their chronic conditions, and working with individuals looking to establish a healthier lifestyle. Her specializations include balancing female hormones, supporting autoimmune disorders, Type II diabetes, neurochemical imbalances, genetic defects (including MTHFR), insomnia, metabolic syndrome, and others. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://www.modernholistichealth.com/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcLX4amz04Y&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Kezia Hall. She has an online nutrition practice helping women across the world use food as medicine. Women (and some men too) utilize her services to deal with their PCOS, IBS, chronic fatigue, bloating, depression, hormonal imbalance or excess weight. Enjoy!
GUEST WEBSITE: https://supernaturallyhealthy.org/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcfpUGRpbTg&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Welcome back to the podcast! Today’s guest is Karen Martel. She is a Certified a Transformational Nutrition Coach and expert in women’s weight loss resistance and hormone health. Enjoy!
Hormone Quiz Link: https://karenmartel.com/lp/take-the-hormone-quiz-3/
GUEST WEBSITE: https://karenmartel.com/
VIDEO VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtnKt7w_kk4&feature=youtu.be
NEW COURSE: https://waistaway.chantelrayway.com/videocourse
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***