
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Tuesday Mar 12, 2019
Dr. Tom O'Bryan is the founder of theDR.com, the visionary behind the Gluten Summit, and the author of several books including the Autoimmune Fix, which won the National Book Award. He released a docu-series called “The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You” , which has been watched by over 500,000 people worldwide. He is making a huge impact in the lives of people struggling with chronic disease, and auto immune issues.
In this Podcast Preview, Dr. Tom O'Bryan tells us if everyone should be gluten free even if their bodies don't react negatively to it!
Click the link for the full episode: https://chantelray.podbean.com/e/wa81/

Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Welcome back to the Waist Away podcast! Today's guest is the founder of theDR.com, the visionary behind the Gluten Summit, the author of several books including the Autoimmune Fix, which won the National Book Award. He released a docu-series called “The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You” , which has been watched by over 500,000 people worldwide. He is making a huge impact in the lives of people struggling with chronic disease, and auto immune issues. We're so honored have him on the show this week! Please welcome Dr. Tom O’Bryan!
Video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI9eI-SlFtU&feature=youtu.be
Dr O'Bryan's website: https://thedr.com/
Q1 - 31:27
A few months back, I tested with my Doctor and found out that I am gluten intolerant, so I’ve been really careful to eat gluten free. I had my husband and son tested as well, and they don’t appear to be intolerant. I didn’t really make any changes to their diets, but now I am starting to wonder, Should I be limiting their gluten as well? I have some friends who eat gluten free, but they aren’t gluten intolerant…should we all be avoiding gluten like the plague? I get such mixed messages.
- Heather in Lubbock, TX
Q2 - 35:05
I stopped breast feeding my daughter around 11 months old, and now she is 4. She drinks organic whole milk about twice a day and loves it, she asks for it if I forget to give it to her. But now I am reading that kids shouldn’t drink milk past a certain age. I know so many people are concerned about dairy, and I personally drink almond milk, but my daughter wants the real thing. What is your opinion on cows milk for children? Is there an age that we should stop serving it to them?
- Jamie in Knoxville
Q3 - 40:15
I have read a lot about the benefits of sauna for Arthritis, and have been going to the sauna at my gym every day after workout. But now everyone is talking about INFRARED saunas. What is the difference in the benefits of a traditional sauna like I have at my gym and an infrared sauna? Do I need to track down an infrared, or will the standard sauna at my gym do the trick?
- Helen in Fairfax
Q4 - 43:25
What is your opinion on Autoimmune disease and working out? I am diagnosed with Lupus and my doctor is always telling me things like I should be listening to my body and taking it easy when I am in a flare up. But I’ve noticed that when I work out, even when I am feeling awful, I do feel a little bit better overall afterwards. The only problem is after I workout, I puff up like a blow fish. Why is my body puffing up after a workout? And does this mean I should be taking it easy? I don’t want my life to stop because I don’t feel well.
- Amy in St Pete
Q5 - 47:55
I always wear toe nail polish and get regular pedicures. I took the polish off myself a couple of weeks ago and noticed that my nails were extremely yellow and overall unhealthy looking. I decided to leave the polish off for a few weeks to let them breathe, and they haven’t improved! A lot of things that I read online point to autoimmune issues, and some scary things like liver problems. But I also know that it can be simple like some sort of deficiency. Is this something I should be concerned with? What can I do to improve my nail health, and to consider the root cause?
- Dawn in Kansas City
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Dr. Anna Cabeca is a triple board certified, Emory University trained physician and hormone expert. She was diagnosed with early menopause at age 38, and her health journey has sparked her to help change the lives of thousands of women across the globe through her transformation programs, her successful line of all natural products, and now, her book "The Hormone Fix".
In this Podcast Preview, Dr. Anna Cabeca talks about the benefits of using PH urine strips!
Full episode: https://chantelray.podbean.com/e/wa79/

Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Today’s guest is Dr. Guillermo Ruiz. He is passionate about advancing naturopathic practices with an evidence-based medicine approach for issues like Auto-Immune Disorders, Hormone Balance, Thyroid Disease, Heavy Metal Toxicity, and infectious disease. He practices medicine at Integrative Health in Scottsdale, Arizona, with Dr. Alan Christianson, who many of you have probably heard of. He also hosts a podcast called “30/30 Health” where he interviews the most influential personalities in the health movement. It’s such an honor to have him with us today!
Youtube Version: https://youtu.be/JtGfCzrJwoA
Dr. Ruiz Site: www.3030strong.com/
Starter Questions:
Tell us about yourself, how did you get your start in medicine, and where did you find your passion for naturopathic practice?
One of the things I know you are really passionate about is research, what is one of the projects that you have going on right now that you are really excited about?
I first head of you through your work with Paleo FX, and we have a lot of listeners who eat Paleo, or mostly Paleo, because of different auto-immune and hormonal issues. Is the Paleo diet something that you are passionate about for everyone, or are you on more of a case by case basis with that, depending on their issues?
Before we get to listener questions, tell me about your diet, I always like to ask my guest to walk my listeners through a day in the life. What did you eat yesterday, and when did you eat? Yesterday was the Super Bowl so that could affect your answer!
Listener Questions:
Q1 - 21:49
I am always trying to figure out what is wrong with me LOL! My thyroid is functioning a lot better- I’ve been eating 95% Paleo, and also fasting in about a 6-hour window. But I am still feeling some of the symptoms that I attributed to my thyroid issues, like being constantly tired and constantly cold. My most recent bloodwork showed my iron as being really low, and borderline anemic. Do you think this could be at the root of my issues? And if so, what are some of the best ways to improve my iron levels?
- Shannon in Northern Virginia
Q2 - 29:18
Q: I have had three Urinary Tract Infections in the past 6 months. I have been seeing someone new and heard that can cause the infections, which made the first one explainable. But they keep coming back! Is there such a thing as chronic UTIs? Or am I doing something horrible to my body that could be causing them? I feel like I am spending the majority of my life going to the bathroom, or in pain!
- Anonymous
Q3 - 34:21
Q: Everywhere I turn, I am hearing about celery juicing! I remember you talking about it a few months ago, and since then, it has become such a trend! Can you talk some more about the benefits of celery juice, a vegetable that I thought until recently, was mostly water! Also, I can’t stand the taste of the juice, but I don’t mind eating it. Will I get the same effects if I eat celery instead of drinking it/?
- Madeline in Chesapeake
Q4 - 42:18
Q: My friend had me give myself an at home iodine test to check my levels, where I applied something to my skin, and it soaked up all the iodine, which meant my levels were low. Iodine is something that has never been on my radar as something I need to be concerned with, and now I am like “great that’s one more thing”! Why has my doctor never talked about this, and is this something I should be worried about? What is the function of Iodine, and what are some ways I should get more of it? The most obvious is iodized salt, but there are so many mixed reviews on salt these days!
- Melissa in Fresno
Closing: Where can our listeners follow your work, and check out your podcast?
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Dr. Anna Cabeca is a triple board certified, Emory University trained physician and hormone expert. She was diagnosed with early menopause at age 38, and her health journey has sparked her to help change the lives of thousands of women across the globe through her transformation programs, her successful line of all natural products, and now, her book. If you are listening to this podcast on the day it is released, her new book, “The Hormone Fix” is available TODAY! and other empowering transformation programs have helped women of all ages become their best selves again. She’s on a whirlwind press tour in New York City right now, and it is such an honor to have her on the show!
Video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtkHIgMj8Ck&feature=youtu.be
Dr. Cabeca's website: https://drannacabeca.com/
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Today’s guest is president of the Intensive Dietary Management Program, which she founded with her partner Dr. Jason Fung, who I am sure you are all familiar with. She coaches clients all over the world, teaching them the principles that allowed her to lose 60 pounds herself and maintain that healthy lifestyle. It’s such an honor to have her on the show today, please welcome Megan Ramos!
Video Version: https://youtu.be/c9W1EHdiaVc
Megan's Website: https://idmprogram.com/
Tell us a little about your health journey? through all of my interviews, I have found a common theme that most people have a huge personal “Why” for what they do.
How did IDM come to be? From what I understand, it started small and has just BLOWN up!
You guys offer a great community, both on Facebook, and Live Q and As and different forums, as well as individualized coaching. Can you tell us more about everything that IDM offers?
I know that personally, you tend to follow the Ketogenic diet for the most part, with a few cheats here and there. I don’t follow the Keto diet, but it seems like there are a lot of Intermittent Fasting fans out there who also eat Ketogenic. How do these two go hand in hand? People ask me all the time if you can be in Ketosis without eating Keto.
A question that I like to ask every guest, is what is a day in the life of Megan like? Can you tell us what you eat from the time you wake up until you go to bed at night? What hours do you eat and fast, etc? Take yesterday for example.
Today, I want to do something a little different. Our podcast started out talking about Intermittent Fasting, and it is really the backbone of the show, though we have guests that come on and talk about all kinds of things like Thyroids, Hormones, Gut Health, etc. But today I really want to get back to the basics of Intermittent Fasting and have you debunk 5 of the Most Common Intermittent Fasting Myths that we hear all the time. So I’m going to share the myths, and you will respond to them. Ready?
Myth #1- 25:50 - Intermittent fasting will cause my metabolism to slow down because my body will think it’s starving.
Myth #2- 28:20 - Intermittent fasting is bad for my blood sugar. If I don’t eat sugar every couple hours, I will see my blood sugar drop and I will pass out and feel week.
Myth #3- 30:10 - When I am following Intermittent fasting, I can eat whatever I want and as much as I want, as long as it is in my eating window.
Myth #4- 31:36 - It is not safe to workout while Intermittent fasting. I need to eat carbs and sugar before working out.
Listener Questions:
Q1 - 40:04
I was listening to a doctor on another podcast recently who mentioned that he does Intermittent Fasting for half of the year, every year, from January-June. He did not really give his reasoning why but said he had been doing this for many years. This was the first I heard of a regimen like this, and I am assuming since he was a Dr that there was some reason for it. Do you know of any benefits to intense Intermittent Fasting for a short portion of the year, and “normal” eating for the rest of the year?
- Joyce in Colorado
Q2 - 43:00
I love your show but I feel like I’ve listened to different people, and different people recommend different supplements and I love all the different people, but I keep adding different supplements every time I listen to a new show. I’m up to 14 different ones and I think this is too much and out of control with too many supplements. How many is too many, and is there 1 that I should be taking for sure, and how can I dial this number down.
- Judy Calgary
Q3 - 50:04
I have been doing the Keto diet for the past couple months, and since then I have joined several Facebook groups of people who are doing the same. I have noticed several comments when people are talking about a specific food item or recipe, where they will say “Such and such is low carb, but it’s not keto”, or some people will refer to their personal diets like low carb but not keto. Can you explain the difference in the low carb diet and the Keto Diet?
-Tarryn in Bedford
Q4 - 53:06
I have been consistent with Intermittent Fasting for 3 months now, and I can’t believe the results I am seeing! Not only in my weight loss, but with my mental clarity and energy. 6 days a week, I eat in a 6-hour window, typically from noon to 6 pm. The only exception to my eating window is my morning coffee. I have found some flavored Keurig cups that don’t appear to have any calories or sugar, but the ingredients say: “Coffee and other natural flavors”. I am not someone who likes to ask questions that I can easily find on Google, but I have literally spent hours trying to find an answer for this online, and haven’t come to any conclusions! It’s not just one Keurig cup brand either, I notice a trend in these “other natural flavors” with no explanation. Will these flavors break my fast, and hurt my weight loss, even if they appear to be calorie free?
- Jenna in Connecticut
Q5 - 54:47
I recently started working out with a new trainer, who is insistent that I eat 4-5 small meals a day. I try to explain to him that this way of thinking is extremely old school, that our body doesn’t need to eat all day long, but the problem is that he is in shape and the expert, and I am someone with a lot of weight left to lose. From everything I’ve learned from this podcast and in your book, I truly believe I shouldn’t be feeding my body all day long, and that I need to give it time to rest and digest! Not only that, but I don’t have time to be prepping and shopping and eating that many meals each day. How should I explain this to him in a way that he will respect and accept? I want his help with my workouts but simply don’t agree with this way of thinking.
- Heather in Virginia
Q6 - 58:08
If I want to do a longer fast, let’s say 5 full days. There’s no way I can do it without green juice, lemon in my water, or cream in my coffee. Are you ok with this?
- Judy in San Diego
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Check out this Podcast Preview from episode 77 with Adam Schaeuble. Adam is the creator of the Million Pound Mission podcast. He is on a mission to help others lose a collective one million pounds. He also runs a boot camp, a university, and he does coaching because he is passionate about helping people!
In this clip, Adam Schaeuble shares some tips for keeping weight off after you lose it!
full episode: https://chantelray.podbean.com/e/wa77/
video version: https://youtu.be/P967FR38tXk

Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Welcome back to the Waist Away podcast! Today’s guest is a new friend of the show. Chantel met him when she appeared on his podcast a few weeks ago, the Million Pound Mission. He is on a mission to help others lose a collective one million pounds. He also runs a boot camp, a university, and he does coaching because he is passionate about helping people. It’s an honor to have Adam Schaeuble on the show today!
Adam's website: https://www.transformationcoach.me/about-adam-schaeuble
video version: https://youtu.be/P967FR38tXk
Listener Questions:
I have never had a problem with losing weight, I am able to cut weight anytime I need to by modifying my diet and exercise. My problem has always been with maintaining my weight. As soon as I hit my weight loss goals, I let my foot off the gas, and slowly gain it back. What advice do you have to help make my weight loss last?
- Shawn in Tampa
Q2 - 21:47
I’ve been trying to be more mindful of my sugar consumption and applying the two bite rule, not having more than three bites of anything super sweet. I want to know if I should be applying the same rule to fruit? It seems like everyone is so divided on this topic, some people say I should eat as many fruits and veggies as I crave, while others say I need to eliminate or severely limit my fruit intake. What’s your opinion on this?
- Jerry in Harrisonburg
Q3 - 24:28
In your book, you talk about not depriving yourself of the foods that you love, and how you allow yourself to eat what you’re craving on occasion. My problem is that I can’t stop once I start. If I am craving chicken nuggets from Chick Fil A, just 5 won’t do it…I will eat and eat 20 nuggets. For this reason, I rarely allow myself to indulge. I wish I could just have a couple nuggets, for example, and be satisfied! Do you have any tips to help me stop? I need to find the balance between deprivation and binging!
- Anonymous
Q4 - 29:15
I have been doing Intermittent Fasting and steadily losing weight for almost a year now. I am super close to my goal weight. During this year, I haven’t really done much exercise, but at the beginning of the year, I started working out consistently. I am really loving the workouts, they make me feel great! But the problem is I have noticed that the scale is stalling. Where I was consistently losing weight every month, I have been stuck for almost a month now! I am burning calories, and sticking to a 6 hour window 5 days a week, and a 2 hour window two days a week. Recently, my friend told me that maybe I am not losing weight since I am gaining muscle with my workouts. Do you think this is the case? I always remember hearing that muscle weighs more than fat. Is this really true? When will I start to see the scale drop again?
- Heather in Chesapeake
Q5 - 32:57
On my journey to cut back on sugar, I have come across some sugar substitutes that I really like. My favorite one is Swerve. I know that Aspartame is really horrible for you, but I am wondering your opinion on Swerve? What is your opinion on things like Coconut sugar and monk fruit?
- Angela in Mckinney, TX
Q6 - 35:56
I have a bunch of friends doing the Whole 30 this month and posting about it. I am shocked how things like potatoes and corn are encouraged in this plan, and appear to be unlimited! I know that these things have a lot of carbs in them, and even corn is really closer to being a grain than a vegetable. If these things are prepared naturally (obviously not deep fried LOL), should I be concerned with my intake? Also, what is your opinion on Whole 30?
- Lauren in Chesapeake
Q7 - 38:59
I want to get your opinion on cheat meals. I seem to get mixed reviews! Some people tell me they are awesome to give a little shock to your metabolism and help satisfy whatever you are craving, and some people tell me that they are not good. What do you think? My personal issue with cheat meals tends to be that often they can turn into a cheat day, then a cheat weekend! LOL.
- Paris in Northern VA
Q8 - 43:20
I LOVE INTERMITTENT FASTING! I have been eating from 12-6 each day and have lost almost 20 lbs in just 3 months! The weight was coming off steadily, but now is starting to stall. The one thing I do enjoy during my fasting hours is a Sugar Free Coffee Syrup. I assumed it was fine since there is no sugar and very few calories, but have been reading up a little on how sometimes these artificial sugars can trick the body into believing they are real sugar and causing the insulin to rise. Should I completely avoid this while I am on the fast? I love having this every morning, it really helps me power through the fast!
- Courtney in FL
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Today's guest is Doctor Marisol. She's a naturopathic doctor. She is known as the queen of thrones, and she's a world leader in natural medicine!
In this preview from Podcast #76 Dr. Marisol explains why your urine may be pink after eating beets and what it means about your gut health!
Full audio version: https://chantelray.podbean.com/e/wa76/
Full video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-o9w0LzWuk&t=1s

Friday Feb 08, 2019
Friday Feb 08, 2019
Welcome back to another episode of the Waist Away podcast! Today's guest is Doctor Marisol. She's a naturopathic doctor. Because of her passion for gut health and cleansing, she is known as the “Queen of Thrones”. She's a world leader in natural medicine and we're so excited to have her on the show this week!
video version: https://youtu.be/f-o9w0LzWuk
Dr. Marisol's website: https://www.drmarisol.com/
Q1 - 37:37
My friend got something called the Squatty Potty. It's a stool that sits around your toilet and lifts up your knees so you're sitting like a caveman when you poop. She said this is the way nature intended us to poop, lol. I have never heard of this before and what is the truth behind it? Do you agree with it?
- Joann in Virginia Beach.
Q2 - 39:47
I've tried everything natural to help me go, and it seems like everything works for a short amount of time and then all of the sudden it stops working. I've tried Senna Tea, Aloe Lax, Smooth Move just to name a few. Why is it that they seem to work and then all of the sudden stop? Do you have any recommendations for something else to either drink or take as a supplement to help me go?
- Natalie in Alabama
Q3 - 41:39
I listened to your podcast about floating poop and I went to my doctor and he said that floating poop isn't that big of a deal. It was thought to be for a little while but that's a less popular idea now. He said it has to do with the amount of fat that you are eating, but I shouldn't be concerned. By the way, this was a general doctor, not a specialist. I feel like I'm just getting mixed messages about this because after your podcast I got the idea that it was a bad thing. I've been reading online a lot of stuff that talks about the foods that we eat that cause gas that makes the floating poop. I was surprised because some healthy things that were listed were apples, honey and prunes. What is the deal? Is it good or bad or doesn't matter?
- Anonymous
Q4 - 47:11
I want to have a stool test done to see what's going on and find out if my liver and gut are normal. What is the best kit I could buy to help me dive into those issues but won't cost me an arm and a leg? Something that is reliable. Also, can you just do a blood test for this or is stool better?
- Angela in Myrtle Beach
Q5 - 49:42
I have this problem where every time I'm in a car and airplane, somewhere that I know it's really inconvenient to go to the bathroom I have to go. Even if I'm driving to church or work locally, I have to leave 15 minutes early just in case I have to stop at a gas station and go to the bathroom. What is my problem and how do I get back to living my life?
- Courtney in Fluvana.
Q6 - 51:37
. Do you think CBD oil helps with constipation? It's been helping me with pain in joints, but does it help or hurt with constipation?
- Jennifer in New Hampshire
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Today’s guest is a second-time guest, Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman! She is an award-winning nutritionist and New York Times Best Selling Author of over 30 books on health and nutrition including diet, detox, women’s health, perimenopause, menopause, beauty, and the environment. SELF Magazine recognized her as one of the Top 10 Notable Nutritionists in the United States, and she’s known as the First Lady of Nutrition.
In this Podcast Preview, Dr. Gittleman talks about the different types of teas that you shouldn't drink!
Audio Version: https://chantelray.podbean.com/e/wa75/
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCls4yWhREc&feature=youtu.be

Monday Feb 04, 2019
How to counteract a Gluten Attack! With Autumn Smith - Podcast Preview #74
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Welcome back to the Waist Away Podcast! Today’s guest is the cofounder of Paleo Valley, which is an INCREDIBLE online resource, with a ton of helpful information, and a line of incredible products that she helped create. She is also one of the cohosts of the Optimize Paleo Podcast, which has become one of my favorites to listen to. Please welcome Autumn Smith!
In this podcast preview, Autumn Smith explains how to cleanse your system when accidentally eat gluten.
Full audio version: https://chantelray.podbean.com/e/wa74/
Full video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is_z5WprLns&feature=youtu.be

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Today’s guest is a second-time guest, Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman! She is an award-winning nutritionist and New York Times Best Selling Author of over 30 books on health and nutrition including diet, detox, women’s health, perimenopause, menopause, beauty, and the environment. SELF Magazine recognized her as one of the Top 10 Notable Nutritionists in the United States, and she’s known as the First Lady of Nutrition. It is such an honor to have her on the show again!
Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman's Website: https://annlouise.com/
Bile Builder: https://unikeyhealth.com/products/bile-builder
Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCls4yWhREc&feature=youtu.be
Listener Questions:
04:23 - Q: A couple of my friends have been talking about trying the “Amazing Gallbladder and Liver Flush” and I wanted to see if you were familiar with this, and if it was something that you recommend?
- Brandy in New Hampshire
07:00 - Q: I really enjoyed your podcast with Dr Gittleman and am so excited she is coming back on the show! On the last episode, she talked about not being a big fan of kombucha, but didn’t elaborate too much. I was thrown off by this because kombucha seems to be all the rage in my healthy circles. Could you talk some more about pros and cons of kombucha, and what I should be looking out for?
- Lauren in North Carolina
13:20 - Q: With it being the New Year, a lot of my friends are talking about resolutions, and some of them are trying to give up coffee. Some of them say the problem with their coffee is everything that they add to it, while others say that they’ve heard caffeine ages you. One friend simply said she doesn’t want to depend on coffee to get through her day. I can give up a lot of things if I need to, but coffee would be really hard for me! What is your opinion on the pros and cons of coffee? I either drink it black, or with a little cream.
- Tricia in Vienna
18:11 - Q: I live right behind a police station, and recently received a letter that some heavy metals were found on site and in the water. The letter recommended that all residents with a ½ mile radius have their ground water well tested for contaminates, and said that the City Health and Public Works Department will come out and test this for free. None of my neighbors seem to be freaking out about this, but I am. Have you heard of something like this before? I have scheduled my appointment, which is a few weeks out. In the meantime, should I be avoiding my water? Drinking it, showering in it, etc. And there are the what if’s after the Health Department comes out…if they say the water is safe, should I continue business as usual, and if it is not safe, what should I do? HELP!
- Courtney in Virginia Beach
21:04 - Q: My mom had gallbladder issues in her 40s, and had to have it removed after a lot of pain and complications. I want to do things that promote good gallbladder health so that I can keep mine as long as possible. What kinds of foods should I be eating or avoiding, and are there any supplements that you recommend?
- Tracie in Winston Salem
22:55 - Anonymous Question
23:55 - Q: I deal with hypothyroidism, and have recently been learning how that is related to my bile and gallbladder. It’s all so confusing, I am trying to figure out if my gallbladder is causing thyroid issues or my thyroid is causing my gallbladder issues, but I keep hearing people talk about how I need to create healthy bile! Can you talk about how these two are related (the thyroid and the gallbladder), and the role of bile?
- Rose in Destin
27:16 - Q: I recently heard a doctor on another podcast talking about olive oil. He said it is the best thing ever for us, and that we can’t get enough of it, that we should be putting it on everything that we eat! I was wondering if you agree with this, first of all, and also, if there is such thing as too much healthy fats. Will the hurt my gallbladder?
- Kim in Ohio
30:53 - Q: I tried to give blood today, and the nurse on the bloodmobile told me that my iron was too low. This is the first I’ve heard of this being an issue for me! What are some things I can do to improve my iron?
-Lexi in Norfolk
32:10 - Q: I eat really healthy, work out 5x week, have been doing Intermittent Fasting in about a 6 hour window, but I am still really tired! Everything seems to be fine except my Ferratin levels are low, while my iron is normal. What is the difference in iron levels and Ferratin levels, and could this be what is making me tired?
- Sarah in Providence
40:44 - Q: My thyroid is getting a little better since I’ve been fasting, but my numbers still aren’t back to normal. My doctor has said that I am low in iodine, and that I can get iodine in dairy. But I thought dairy wasn’t good for my thyroid? I am so tired of this conflicting information! What can I do to raise my iodine levels and should I be eating dairy?
- Becky in New York
43:24 - Q: I have been really trying to follow the 80/20 principle and have cleaned up my diet a lot, even getting rid of dairy and gluten but my Psoriasis and eczema are still out of control. Do you have any other tips I can try?
- Anonymous
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Welcome back to the Waist Away Podcast! Today’s guest is the cofounder of Paleo Valley, which is an INCREDIBLE online resource, with a ton of helpful information, and a line of incredible products that she helped create. She is also one of the cohosts of the Optimize Paleo Podcast, which has become one of my favorites to listen to. Please welcome Autumn Smith!
Video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is_z5WprLns&feature=youtu.be
Check out Autumn's online store: https://paleovalley.com/ (use the promo code 'autumn10' to get 10% off her products!!)
Q1 - 02:28
I know you had some frustrations with the “healthy” foods that were on the market and all of their crazy ingredients, which just drives me crazy too! So you created a bunch of your own. How did your Paleovalley product line come to be?
Q2 - 09:02
When we were preparing for this interview, you told me that one of the things you are really passionate about is educating people on micronutrient deficiency, which can rear its head in everything from dandruff to weight gain and high blood pressure. It can really lead to some serious issues, and for some people, it’s not even on their radar! Can you talk a little about this?
Q3 - 11:44
Another thing that you are passionate about is functional testing, which is something I know so many of our listeners would be interested in because so many people want to know what the heck is wrong with them, or why they aren’t feeling 100%. There are so many different options out there, to check your gut, hormones, antibodies, and a bunch of other stuff. What have you learned about functional testing, and what has your experience been with it?
Q4 - 15:22
Before we get started with Listener Questions, I want to ask you something that I ask all my guests…walk us through a day in the life of Autumn, what and when do you eat on a typical day? Or just tell us what you ate yesterday for example?
Q1 - 21:25
I was at one of my favorite local restaurants last week, and requested my sandwich on a gluten free bun, but I immediately felt horrible afterwards. My stomach was in knots, and I just felt so icky the rest of the day. I figure that they accidentally gave me regular bread, which has happened before. Next time this happens (which hopefully it won’t), what should I do to counteract this gluten attack?
- Carol in Arkansas
Q2 - 25:19
I developed a really bad staph infection and had no choice but to take an antibiotic, which I ABSOLULTELY hate to do! I was scared and didn’t want it to spread. Anyways, I am done with the antibiotic, my staph infection is gone, and now I want to get my gut back in order! What can I do to get my gut health in check after wrecking it with antibiotics?
- Pamela in Forest, Virginia
Q3 - 27:00
My friend has been obsessed with Alkaline water lately, she swears by it! I saw it for sale by the gallon at my local juice bar the other day and asked the cashier about it. She said I should start with a level 7, because if I started with a level 10, I could become violently ill and get a migraine, since I am not used to alkaline water. It struck me as odd that any sort of water could make me sick! Then I remembered something you said on your podcast about how you aren’t a fan of it, but I couldn’t remember why. What is your opinion on alkaline water, and why?
- Mariah in New Mexico
Q4 - 30:51
I recently started eating Paleo, and am really enjoying the energy I am feeling during the day, but I have had the hardest time sleeping! I’ve also noticed that when I do sleep, I have really odd/vivid dreams. I was reading online that this is common for people who cut out sugar. Why is this? Will I go back to normal soon?
- Karen in Northern VA
Q5 - 37:03
My questions is that my scale has not moved, and I have not lost inches. But I looked at my Christmas photos, and I look visibly smaller. My arms and even legs look more trim. How is it possible to look thinner, but the scale and measurements haven’t changed? Love your podcast, I listen every day at work!
- Lauri from Sparks, Nevada
Q6 - 42:31
So.. I know at some point, I gotta give up cheese.. Ive always loved cheese! All of a sudden however, I have been tasting the salt immensely in the cheese.😣😣 I did pray recently to the Lord to change my taste buds to the foods he wants me to eat. I like you did, have HYPOTHYROIDISM. I know the Lord is calling me to a natural way of eating. So.. In paleo, I saw raw dairy cheese as acceptable.. So in my case, what should I do?
- Rosario
To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA
Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay
Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay
***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***

Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Hey Guys! Today we interviewed Thin Eater, Kristine Kaliebe. She has implemented many of the principles from Chantels Book "Waist Away" and we wanted to ask her a few questions! We talked about how she got into intermittent fasting, what she eats on a daily basis, how she transitioned into being sugar-free/grain-free, and everything in between!
Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy!
Video Version: https://youtu.be/VZ7Vp4K3izM
Q1 - 0:27
Kristine, tell us a little about your story and how you got into intermittent fasting.
Q2 - 1:10
What has been your experience with intermittent fasting??
Q3 - 2:02
In Chantel's book, she always refers back to the HUNGER SCALE. How do you think you incorporate that into your life??
Q4 - 3:35
When would you say you stop eating??
Q5 - 4:36
Talking about the sugar-free and grain-free lifestyle…what do you do when you have that sugar craving??
Q6 - 5:30
For the most part, what does your diet consist of?
Q7 - 6:27
What are your thoughts on consuming dairy?
Q8 - 7:44
With living your lifestyle, do you ever find yourself wanting comfort food?
Q9 - 9:11
Do you currently eat meat?
Q10 - 10:28
Do you believe in binge eating during the holidays??
Q11 - 11:51
Can you give us some tips on how to avoid overeating?